Fazakerley Country Dance
Tutor/Caller/Manager is GERRY JONES. gerry.jones@talktalk.net
Phone: 0151 259 3442
Monday mornings, 10.15 - 12.15
£3.00 (plus tea money) per visit.
The club runs through most of the year apart from August and when Gerry is "on his travels", but, being a Monday, it is affected by Bank Holidays (mainly in the summer and Easter) when the Community Centre itself is closed.

Partly hidden behind two matching blocks of shops, this modern building is facing Fazakerly Library, with pedestrian access from nearby bus stops in Longmoor Lane, but for car parking outside you need to come into Formosa Drive, usually via Elmham Crescent off Longmoor Lane, near the "Copple House" pub.
This club started off as an Adult Learning class, but there is no longer any formality or form-filling. There is no actual joining, no subscription, with dancers coming along when it suits them, paying £1.00 towards the hire of the room, and £1.00 for the tuition. Contact details are asked for, so that regular dancers can be kept informed of future dates, and in case of the hall not being available, etc.
Although the dances are mostly English country-dance, some elements of Scottish and Irish are introduced at times, plus items from other European folk-dance traditions from time to time. You never know what will happen next, but it is all fun and laughter with very good company.
The club is open to people of all ages, but being held during "working hours" makes it particularly attractive to retired people, especially those who may not be happy with going out in the evenings. The regulars consider it an excellent way to start the week!
You do not need previous experience, not even a partner nor any special clothing, whatever you are happy to wear, along with comfortable shoes.
Gerry Jones has his own website where you can find further information: www.gerryjones.me.uk/groups.html